Monday, June 9, 2014

"Complaints everywhere"

I think it's becoming a concern for me when I see someone complain. There's this idea that we have created that suggest complaining is appealing. It's not. People often come into a room and complain about their days being too long, about how customers make their lives a living hell, how they’re tired or how they can't wait for it to be Friday. It's this idea that others should agree with your complaints and be part of your turmoil. Who came up with this? Organizations with higher morale don't have this. It's organizations with clearly established and designed guidelines that deter people who think this way from working within. Granted, we can't avoid a bad day. This doesn't mean that all our days have to be filled with negativity. I suggest you look at your day in a more positive way. Make every day an opportunity to do something great. If you can't find a positive, you should do yourself a favor and quit. It’s not for you. 

-Marco Adrian Ortiz